Powhatan Glossary

Algonquian words are still used in English today. For example, opossum and raccoon are Algonquian words!

  • Kiskiak (see Who Were the Powhatan? page)
  • Powhatan: “Hill of divination”; can refer to a chief, his chiefdom, a political territory, or a river
  • Werowance: a political leader, somewhat like a governor
  • Werowocomoco (WAYR-uh-wah-KOH-muh-koh): “Place of the antler wearers”; central town of the Powhatan chiefdom
  • Tsenacomacoh (sehn-uh-kuh-MAH-kah): “A nearby dwelling-place”; the area between the James and York over which Powhatan claimed authority

Fun fact: Lots of Powhatan places are described based on their relationship to water, as water was an important source of transportation.